February 8, 2022

Te Kākano Rangatahi Innovation Evaluation

Te Kākano Rangatahi Innovation Evaluation
Heights Training at Cooks Gardens Whanganui (Cohort Three)
Heights Training at Cooks Gardens Whanganui (Cohort Three)

Start / Finish Dates:

01 April – 30 June 2022

Lead Evaluator:

Gill Potaka Osborne

Whakauae Evaluators:

Lynley Cvitanovic, Mel Potaka-Osborne

Brief Description:

Te Kākano Rangatahi Programme was developed and delivered by Whanganui-based Māori health and social services provider, Te Oranganui Trust. Funded by Ministry of Health through the Te Ao Auahatanga Hauora Māori: Māori Health Innovation Fund, its aims are to include a specific mātauranga Māori approach and co-design methodology intended to actively engage rangatahi (16-24 years). The intent is to connect participating rangatahi to Te Awa o Whanganui and to Te Taiao, alongside addressing the range of issues that they face along the way. In addition, they utilise a Whānau Ora Outcomes approach, to work alongside rangatahi to set goals, connect them to Te Ao Māori and become work ready. A developmental evaluation was conducted inclusive of formative, process, and outcome components. The evaluation, which was completed at the end of 2021, explored if, and how, the initiative contributed to enhancing the health and wellbeing of rangatahi and their whānau.

Outcomes / Achievements:

Building on the gains made in 2020, a third kaitūruki was recruited to Te Kākano to provide leadership skills and organisational knowledge.   Furthermore, the programme relocated to Te Ao Hou Marae, consolidating Mātauranga Māori and the Te Ao Māori programme content. Mau rākau was added to the programme complementing the rangatahi participants learnings around tikanga and whakapapa. In conjunction with Healthy Families Whanganui Rangitīkei Ruapehu, a Maramataka Reflection Journal was developed for rangatahi to utilise for self-reflection. In the latter half of 2021, one of the kaitūruki was seconded to another service and replaced by a Te Kākano participant. A teacher of mau rākau and proficient in Te Ao Māori he was a valuable addition to the team.

Two cohorts of young men 16-24 years completed the programme in 2021 and in addition, Te Kākano teamed with the YMCA Pakohe Alternative Education, a programme that supports 13 – 15-year-olds to re-engage in their education, to deliver the Te Ao Māori content. Utilising a Tuākana Tēina mentoring model where older students mentor younger students, Te Kākano rangatahi participants worked closely with Pakohe rangatahi. Te K?kano was impacted by Covid-19 restrictions which meant the internet and cell phone were the key means of communicating with and engaging the rangatahi participants. Care packages were delivered to the rangatahi and their whānau to provide support through the lockdown.

Becoming work ready and gaining employment was a priority for the rangatahi. Te Kākano supported them with CV preparation, First Aid training, attaining a forklift licence and heights training. Positive outcomes included:

  • 79% of rangatahi gained employment
  • 94 % of rangatahi learnt their pepeha; 81% felt confident to recite their pepeha
  • 100% of rangatahi participated in ruruku, haka and waiata
  • 100% of rangatahi visited marae participating in tikanga marae. Fifteen marae benefitted from these visits.
  • 100% of rangatahi participated in activities that would provide them with a connection to te taiao
  • 100% of rangatahi have undertaken an orientation of Te Oranganui’s services so they can more readily access what they need for their health and wellbeing


In 2021, the final year for evaluation activities, Te Oranganui Trust kaitūruki and the Whakauae evaluator brainstormed ways to collect evaluation data, when Covid-19 restrictions limited face to face contact. Under the guidance of the evaluator, kaitūruki successfully led two data collection activities. Two evaluation reports, a process and impact report were submitted to the Ministry of Health, in October and December 2021 respectively, and subsequently accepted.

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